Saturday, May 3, 2008

Dare we hope?

Seems there is a wave of awareness making itself known amongst us - Labour (Leftist, PC-ist twits) had a torrid time of it in the UK yesterday, with a victory for the Conservatives! It may be that their meddling and backstabbing has finally caught up to them as the people decide enough is enough.

Now that Red Ken has been given the boot, we need to petition Boris to get rid of the terrorist scumbag Mandela's statue in Parliament Square in London.

Do visit the following page and send your message to Boris!


Anonymous said...

Will he listen to us who live here in SA?

Anonymous said...

I'm for trying it - what have we got to lose and at least if we are successful we can get rid of that ANC murdering commie statue, they should put red paint on the crap's hands....