Monday, April 28, 2008

Jacob Zuma

He is quoted as saying: "I will not tolerate corruption"

This from a man that has a generally corrupt relationship with Shabir Shaik, accepted bribes from a number of companies in Europe to win his favour in the Arms scandal.

I can not accept him for other than he is:

  • Corrupted
  • a terrorist
  • a rapist
Above all else, he is a communist and a member of the ANC. Granted he is a Zulu and not a Xhosa which is also worrisome as it allows for tribalism to enter the fray once again.

Amongst African tribes the Zulu and Xhosa relations were never on a solid footing and this will likely surface yet again.

His current showmanship, as that is all it can deemed to be, is his way of winning support for himself prior to the elections by duping any and everyone with half a brain and wanting to believe the hogwash he is spewing forth.

The unfortunate problem is that most of the idiots that he is pandering to believe it, because that is what they want to hear.

I say NO! I do not believe that a hyena can change it's character.

Until as recently as 2005, he has sung his song to the masses: Lethu Mshini Wami (Bring me my machine gun) This prior to his appearing in court on rape charges.

Beware of Zuma, the singing, drinking, dancing Love machine.

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